Thursday, October 23, 2008

The Social Issues...

Here are some questions that I found on the Internets that I would like to give my position on. I welcome any comments on my answers, so don't be shy.

1. Abortion: for or against?
I would say, since I'm what the right calls a pro-abortionist, that I'm for abortions. However, that is a completely wrong and dangerous characterization of my position on the issue. I believe that a person is in complete control over their own body, and women have the choice whether or not they want to seek an abortion for an unwanted pregnancy. That stance in no way says "I'm an abortionist, let's kill all the unborn babies! Wooooo!!" while I run in the street naked. That's ridiculous, and completely false. I'm PRO-CHOICE, and I am against legislating anything that would infringe on the right of a woman to cancel and claim a mulligan on a pregnancy. I'm for so-called partial birth abortions if the health of the mother is dire or in the case of rape and/or incest (sometimes if could be both!). I also am for full-term births with adoption at the end to parents that can handle a child, and not sending them to foster care. I am for the choice to leave the baby with authorities without prosecution of the mother because there is nothing more damaging to a child staying with a mother or family that cannot support a new child. The position of the pro-life company is completely fine to me, but to suggest that since I'm pro-choice, I'm somehow pro-abortion is a fallacy.

2. Would our country fall with a woman president?
In a word: Yes. No no, I kid. Of course not. Look to the UK with Margaret Thatcher. They're still around. Sure, their system is a little different than ours, but then I present you with a multitude of states that women governors. Think of the states as little nations. As far as I'm aware, no state has fallen off the flag yet with women governors.

3. Do you believe in the death penalty?
Unfortunately, I do not. To kill someone for killing someone seems a bit hypocritical to me. Just because you feel justified by using such force because you're hiding behind some arbitrary law made up by the moral authority goes against that moral authority's main message, especially in this country. America has been defined by all intents and purposes a Christian nation. I believe their God, along with the Jewish one, that killing is not a good thing. There's no footnote, "Only in the cases to exact revenge by creating arbitrary laws, which make it 'illegal'" It is very plain language, in my mind, and to quote the St. James version of the Bible: "Thou shalt not kill." Now to the hypocrisy of it all: For a nation that does profess to be a Christian nation and all of its morals and values, the death penalty certainly does not jive with this sentiment. I understand the position of the people who are for it, but I think parsimoniously, it just doesn't work.

4. Do you wish marijuana would be legalized already?
Sure, why not. At least create a federal medical marijuana law, so cancer patients who live in California can freely go around the United States with their medical marijuana without fear of getting arrested for possession or felony intent to distribute. I'm not down with the whole crowd that says it's not addictive, because it is. It manifests differently than other drugs, and possibly more slowly, but it is, and I'm dead serious, addictive, psychologically and physically. I would support a legalization of it in the same way cigarettes are legalized. Tax the shit out of it, and everything will be gravy. If you want people to stop using it, just look at how many people smoke cigarettes today compared to 50 years ago. I will agree that statistically it is less dangerous than drinking, which is why I would support a legalization and taxation.

5. Do you believe in God?
I'm agnostic, and I firmly believe that atheists are just as dogmatic as believers. As it says in the Bible, God is truth, and unfortunately truth is extremely hard to pinpoint. I think I'll stay a skeptic for now.

6. Do you think same sex marriage should be legalized?
For sure. If the only way one could get married would be in a church, I could see the difficulty, but marriage in this country at least is independent of any religious affiliation. There's nothing wrong with a piece of paper from the county registrar-recorder stating Adam and Steve can have the same rights in union as Adam and Eve. The Constitution calls for equality for all, and that includes sexual orientation. I don't see the argument that it ruins the sanctity of marriage, because church and state are separate. No one is forcing religious organizations to recognize these marriages, and who would want them to anyways?

7. Should the alcohol age be lowered to 18?
This one is tough, because it is working in other countries fine, producing the same amount of alcoholics as the US does. Forget that argument for a second and let's look at the principle: If a person can vote, enlist or get drafted in the military, get jury duty, and assume all of the other wonderful perks of being an adult, shouldn't that same person be allowed to drink and gamble like the rests of adults 21 and over?

8. Should the war in Iraq be called off?
I am a strong believer that we are wasting American lives in a misbegotten war that should not have begun at all.I hear the argument "Well, the troops would rather fight them over there than here." Really?1? And to think, here I sat thinking they thought the opposite! However, that isn't an argument to use in support or nonsupport of the war. It is completely missing the point of the central argument that we went their for WMDs, Iraq was linked to 9/11, and all the other bullshit that was fed to us in 2003. Hell, even the Iraqis don't want us there now. I think it's about time everyone took the hint and we left, nice and easy.

9. Would you burn an American flag for a million dollars?
As long as the million is untaxed. Which means I wouldn't do it for $500,000, since the capital gains tax would rape the million dollars out of my pocket. The idea that the flag represents sits in ideology and design. Destroying one measly piece of fabric constructed to the specifications of that flag does not automatically mean I renounce all that the flag stands for and what it means, because the symbol is not destroyed by the fire. It is everlasting in innumerable depictions and occurrences. If someone were dumb enough to give me money for it, then that's their bad.

I didn't do all of the questions because some were a bit stupid or specific, and I really didn't care to answer them.

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