Friday, February 6, 2009

Who Guarantees Money in the US?

You know what's funny? People not understanding the similarity of stimulus and spending. You know what's even funnier? People using tax cuts as a means to stimulate the economy. I give you a great example:

Jim makes $500 a month after taxes like Social Security, Medicare, and this withholding junk. So Senator Bob wants to give tax cuts to stimulate the economy because it will give Jim more money in his pocket each month and the company he works for more liquidity to either create a job or give Jim a raise. Here's the thing: It doesn't work out that way. Jim will most likely see that he's getting more money, let's say $550 a month. He's gonna use that new $50 a month and save it, or keep it for a rainy day, because he's been getting by for $500. Sure he could use it for other things, like a special dinner or something, but most likely he'll keep it. The buck stops in his pocket, literally. Now his company will most likely not give Jim a raise and will most likely not create a job with the extra money after it pays it's taxes. If it were me, I'd use it for the bottom line, as basically as a means to increase that bottom line. Why spend more money in payroll when I can use the tax breaks to increase my monthly, quarterly and annual profits? See where tax cuts are taking us? Relatively nowhere. Have we spent or created a job? No, we haven't, and we've lessened the revenue of the country and programs that definitely need funding.

Now to the all important title of the post. Who guarantee's the money in the United States? Well, that'd be the government! So, if we give the government the right to use that money, we can be sure it's going to be spent, right? Right, because it's is guaranteed. It may be slow, but the money will be spent. Some sooner than later, but if it is things like INFRASTRUCTURE, then jobs will be most definitely created, even if they aren't skilled jobs. We've got enough building requirements and codes to make it possible for unskilled labor to lend a hand in roads, bridges, and levies. Lets' go back to Jim. Lets' say he works for a construction company. His company wins a bid to upgrade the nearby bridge, but the job is too big for the company's current workforce. So what do they do? Bring in a bunch of new workers for an extended period of time. And the government won't fuck around paying the construction company because it was guaranteed payment.

Simple demand side economics. Something is wanted and needed, and therefore stimulating. It requires spending and not cutting, which would be supply side economics. If consumers are consuming, why should producers produce? And if producers are producing, workers aren't working. What do we have now? Massive layoffs from all sectors of the economy. It doesn't seem like supply side economics are working. Spending is the answer in this case, I promise. If it doesn't work, then you can come by and say "I told you so".

Tax cuts haven't worked for years, the last 8 to be exact, and so we must do something different. The only thing left is spending, and albeit there is some spending in the current bill that's weird and ridiculous, but it is NEEDED.

Here's Rachel Maddow using clips from the Senate from the last couple of days explaining exactly what I've said above, but perhaps a little more eloquently:

And then a great motivational picture on the need for infrastructure spending:

Linsey Graham is a Tool

It's been a while since I've posted and I apologize. I've been really busy and lazy! Ok, so this got me a little annoyed yesterday: This is Sen Lindsey Graham (R-SC) on Fixed Noise complaining that Obama has been AWOL during these past 2 weeks in trying to get a stimulus billed passed. He says it about 1:30 mark of the video.

Now I don't know about anyone else, but what is this guy smoking? Where has he been for the last month? Perhaps for the last 2 weeks? If anyone's been AWOL, it's you, Sen. Graham! Obama has been pushing this stimulus plan, even before he was elected. He was pushing it day-in and day-out while he was President-Elect. He hasn't stopped leading the fight on for this bill. What do you think all the lunches and meetings have been with Republican lawmakers have been for? For nothing? Did he invite you and others to cocktail parties because he's got a huge new house for everyone to see? I'm sure you've seen it before. He won the election and the people spoke the Republicans should sit down and shut up. 

It doesn't make any sense for peeps to be blaming Obama for their own stupidity. It's unbelievable to me that more people haven't told their representatives to stop talking and start acting. You work for us. Not for your own ideologies, and certainly not for your own personal gain. You have absolutely no idea what the situation is because you're a US Senator and save for being a horrible human being, you can't lose your job until your term ends. You've got more than one house most likely. You don't see what the economy is doing to normal working folks. Stop lolly-gagging and shut the fuck up. I don't understand how we get anything done in this country with fucktards like Lindsey Graham running around with loose lips that sink ships.

It's a catch-22 at this point, because we've got politicians and then we've got politicians. They never stop talking. This shit is extremely simple. A government cannot work if there is constant roadblocking. We might as well sit for the next 4 years with our hands neatly folded why we wait for the next election, watching the world crumble around us. Who cares, right?

I am so fucking glad life is progressive in nature, and hopefully by the time I'm an old man I can see the crazy religious right go down in flames, as it is surely beginning now.