Thursday, March 26, 2009

McCain's Chief Strategist Comes Out In Support Of Gay Marriage (LINK)

McCain's Chief Strategist Comes Out In Support Of Gay Marriage

I am pleased to read that the guy classed as "Rove's protégé" is saying such things about gay marriage and that he voted 'no' on Prop 8. It is extremely unexpected, and it means that Conservatives aren't a total loss. I also heard on Rachel Maddow this evening that his sister is a lesbian, which makes him similar to Dick Cheney, but unlike Cheney, he is actually acting on the beliefs and implications of having a loved one directly affected by discriminatory legislation. I applaud him for this. 

Unfortunately, I did not see much of him during the campaign, so I don't really have an opinion on this guy, and what I do was soured by the fact that he was said to be using Rovian tactics when routing the discussion about the campaign. And so, my opinion got that much better reading this story. We'll see what he does next.

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In other news, I've removed the second part of my blog title, as I felt the joke made its point and all of you reading understand why I named my blog "The Swan Doctrine" now. I think Charlie Gibson gets it and explained his respects.

I much like the forceful "Swan Doctrine," and I hope my worldview is apparent to make it such a doctrine.

And lastly in blog news, I've added "ShareThis" to my blog, and so at the end of each blog post is a little rotating "ShareThis" icon. I hope it gets used. You can pretty much post my blog anywhere online with ShareThis, and I'm so glad serendipity keeps knocking on my door. USE IT!

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