Even Texas Governor Rick Perry got into the spirit of things by stopping just short of suggesting it speaking at a tea party event. He even signed a bill the other say declaring Texas' sovereignty. And while he was speaking, many people would just scream out "secede!
" It wasn't only in Texas either, and it has been going on for weeks since the stimulus package was passed and signed into law. Ignorant people everywhere who haven't learned about how damaging the Civil War actually was just shout it out because they think they are clever or something.
I have news for everyone who thinks that way: You are not clever. You will never be clever. You will live a hateful life. You will live an ignorant life. You will live a stupid life. Believe in what you want, but if you are truly American you will understand that talk of secession is treason and is punishable by death.
The Civil War was HORRIBLE. There are no ifs, ands, or buts about it. It was a war where more Americans were killed than all the other wars we've fought combined. It is the last war we've fought on American soil. That'd be more than 100 years ago. Before that, remember, we fought most of the wars on our soil (e.g. The Revolution or the War of 1812). It is important to note that the Confederacy was only victorious for so many years because the North and South were starkly different. They had no money, they had very few resources, and by far fewer numbers to recruit (as they did not want to allow black slaves to fight on their side). It was a complete disaster for both sides and something that had to prevented in the future at all costs.
So when people say it is patriotic to secede should crack open in a history and look at how patriotism worked then. And then they should think about their stupid speech, wondering why people in power or supposed authority get the right to say such things. For once, I would like to see someone get arrested for treason or conspiracy to commit treason. Show the sheep what it means to talk about secession. Show them what happened to all of the Confederate States of America when they had to rejoin the Union, including Texas. The country is not best served by fanaticism, but by moderation.
Sure, you don't like what Barack Obama is doing, but hey, we put up with George Bush for 8 years, so you can sit down and shut up, because there were legitimate causes to protest back then, and I don't recall any politician screaming we should secede then. It makes all of you secession screamers look foolish and silly, in addition to dumb and easily swayed to the extreme.
However, you can't to these people. They don't get it, and probably never will, because the talking heads don't want to get it. And thus keeps up the vicious cycle of stupid speech.
Oh, human nature, how I lo(ath)ve thee.
This is secession at its finest:
1 comment:
This is an interesting read, considering I know virtually nothing about the Civil War. Only what I've seen of it in movies.
Is it considered an obvious move for Lincoln to have attackeed the seceeding states? I would support the move, but I assumed that was because I was a bit of a fanatic in terms of how aggressive I think the fight to further human rights should be. But if you look at something like the EU, membership in the union is voluntary. What makes the US so different? Is there an obvious historical fact I'm missing here?
As for treason, that's an interesting word. I'm not sure when it ever means anything. Maybe I'd consider it for aiding and abetting somebody after the country's full-out destruction. Otherwise, personally, I wouldn't touch it with a ten-foot pole.
Finally, Alex, I loathve you too.
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