Thursday, October 9, 2008

The First Post!

Welcome welcome!

For anyone reading, I thought I would grab a place to blog about anything and everything dealing with current. Recently, I've been watching a lot of news and reading a lot on current events. Pretty much it's been all political, because that's what's dominating the news cycle, but I want to continue this after the election, so I'm not sticking to just election coverage like everyone else out in the blogosphere. Current events intrigue me and I've got much commentary on the world.

So let's start out with my reference in the blog title. I'm sure most, if not all, will get it. Yes yes, it's from Sarah Palin's first network interview with Charlie Gibson when they discussed the Bush Doctrine. Now I don't know about any of you, but the way she responded, "In what respect, Charlie?" with the nastiest tone, like "How dare you ask me that stupid questions, you mean mean man!" it struck me as somebody who doesn't get it. To be honest, since I was in high school and wasn't paying attention when Bush laid out his "doctrine" regarding terrorism, I didn't know what it was either when Charlie asked Palin. Now, since she didn't know what it was, she should have just said it. Unfortunately, that started a slippery slope on a glacier in Alaska with Sarah Palin sliding down without a prayer from Pastor Moothy (sp?). Then her constant stating that she was always against to the Bridge to Nowhere, "Thanks, but No Thanks" sent chills down my spine every time I heard it on TV. Now don't get me wrong, I've got nothing against Alaskans or the folks in the more northern states, but the accent has got to be kept on the DL. She was for the Bridge, and even had a t-shirt that was making fun of the little community, but she didn't understand the IRONY involved.

Then, she had those interviews with Katie Couric. I understand it's a campaign, and when you have something in your campaign that could possibly hurt, you hide it. But Sarah let her loose lips get the best of her. Not being able to tell the American public what you read?!? That's like me saying I use the Internet but won't tell anyone what sites I use and just "all of it, whatever pages come across my screen". That's a mighty large Internet right? So is reading every publication known to man, let alone the ones you can actually read (the ones written at a third grade level, of course). Then the bombshell that she couldn't even name another Supreme Court decision that she didn't agree with, considering the fact that 3 months earlier she appeared on an Alaskan news program (with an interviewer and questions and the whole kit'n'kaboodle) discussing how she disagreed with the Supreme Court's ruling in Exxon v. Baker, allowing Exxon to pay less damages in the Exxon Valdez spill, WHICH WAS IN ALASKA! For someone who claims to be Alaskan, seems pretty fishy to me. And I don't want to here the defenders of her and the haters of Katie saying that was "Gotcha Journalism!" because the only other people int he room were the production crew. Probably 3 or so people other than Sarah and Katie. She couldn't name a single one. Shoot, I don't care if you couldn't name one you disagreed with, but how about the ones we all learn in high school that supported slavery. Everyone should disagree with those! Plessy v Ferguson and the Dred Scott decision to name a few. Unbelievable! Look, if she actually believes that she is capturing the vote by doing these things (I'm not concerned with the fact that she says now that they were not very good interviews) is preposterous!

Then the debate, the glorious debate. I go back to a quote my friend had on his facebook. I'm not sure who said it, but I'm just gonna paraphrase the gist. It said that if you want a President who you'd like to have a beer with (G. W. Bush), then you deserve a shitty economy, a crappy life, and a government that doesn't work for you, but for themselves. You deserve a sub-average way of handling things, and what you should get is a shitty lawyer when you have a lawsuit, and a bungling surgeon when you need open heart surgery. All the winks, the 'you betchas', the 'Joe Six-Pack' and the hockey mom comments are utterly sickening. Look, that's all well and good on the campaign trail for the people that eat that up (I'm looking at you, Bible belt), but not for a crowd of nearly 70 million folks. It's not endearing and it looks like all you have going for you in some type of personality that flies with some but doesn't fly with others. It looks like all you have is a brain that is only 10% used (with about 9% for all necessary life support functions). Here's the thing: memorization of speeches is not a remedy for America. It's a death wish. Because when the world is ending (over-exaggeration of some crisis), you won't have time to memorize a speech. You'll have to be candid, and I don't think she can be, at least with everyone involved, not just the Republican base.

Now, as her approval ratings continue to be a drag on the McCain campaign, we go to the polls and there will be folks who vote for her. I have a customer who told me he'd rather he be President if McCain kicks the bucket instead of Joe Biden, because he said that you know Obama is going to be heading to the likes of JFK, RFK and MLK. That's not a good thought, especially since he'd rather Palin be prez than Biden. Where's the disconnect? Where's the sense of logic and reason? Why do we have to live in the "United Stupid of America," to quote Bill Maher? When 40% or so of voters support John McCain for president, they are also supporting Sarah Palin for the job too. That's 40% too many. I refuse to live in a society that condones such an affront to the power of the human mind. I couldn't care less if she has executive experience and the other three don't. That's a technicality. All it takes is a clue, and she ain't got one.

Sorry for the long read, but I've been holding in all these thoughts for a while. Tomorrow I'll have a few shorter points on the other main current event in the news for the past few weeks, the economy. So stick around.


Edgar said...

I'm pretty sure Bush himself doesn't know "his" doctrine.
The guy's a freaking puppet.

Good blog, looking forward to seeing what else you bitch about ;)

Anonymous said...

I look foward to reading this...appealing to the journalist in me, you are!

Nati said...

So... who are you voting for then?