Monday, April 6, 2009

Michelle Bachmann... Part Deux

I found this video while surfing HuffPost:

So what is it with this woman? Is she Joe McCarthy reincarnated? Is it some weird ritual that put his soul into her body, like in The Mummy 2? What is it with her? She spews hate like she's a hate-breathing dragon. I get she has her views on the world, but do they have to be so utterly extreme? Does she have to tell the poor confused moderate part of the country that "re-education camps" are what Obama wants to do? Does she realize that she uses words that are intentionally loaded? Does she not understand that people will take her words literally? Does she not understand that people are dying taking words literally (e.g. the Koran)?

I thought when Barack Obama was elected by a large margin over Old Man and Crazy Hypocrite, the country had agreed that right-wing policies were failing the country as a whole. I guess not, seeing as how left-wing policies need to be stopped at all costs! We cannot elect a liberal-centrist and allow him to change the country the way he sees it! Don't be silly, we elect a liberal, but they must follow conservative agendas. That's how the US works.

Wrong. That's how Michelle Bachmann thinks the country works. Lucky for the rest of us, she doesn't get much of a say int eh House of Reps, seeing she is the in the minority of the minority.

She needs to go away. She needs to get out of national politics. Resign, or something. The Radio hosts says at the beginning of the movie that she hopes MB runs against Amy Klobuchar in 2012 for the Senate seat. I hope she does, because Amy Klobuchar has a bigger chance to win the entire state than Michelle Bachmann can squeeze out in her own district. Then she'll be out of the House and Senate! One can only hope.

However, there is one upside to her spouting off her mouth: She and people like Sarah Palin keep putting their feet further down their mouths, digging the hole of the über-conservative part of the Republican party deeper and deeper.

I guess I'll keep up my crusade against stupid speech. I'll be keeping my eye on her. Don't think Part Deux the last...

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