This technically isn't a current event, but the last few weeks have boiled to a head.
Why must men urinate in public on private property? It is revolting, disgusting, absolutely gross. When it dries, it makes a stain. It's not water, people. It doesn't disappear when you're finished. If you don't do it in the bushed or on plant life, you can still see it. The water in it does evaporate, but it is not only water. there is ammonia, salt, and other things your body doesn't want in the blood. These things, without the presence of water, become solid crystals and stain the ground on which you just urinated. And it stays there, even if cleaned. The longer it is left without water, the more it stains, and it becomes like red wine on white carpet. Let's not forget the smell. We all know how urine smells. Sometimes it smells bad and other times not so bad, but we all admit it is never rose-smelling. So why do we do it? It brings nothing to the table. There are numerous public restrooms at shopping centers/malls.
There is a purpose for my ranting about urinating on buildings. For the last 2 months, I have been dealing with clever individuals that pee at my work that I cannot find on cameras. They find the locations that are out of the angles and views of the cameras. There is also the fact that I cannot pinpoint the people doing it, as there is too much traffic in and out all the time, especially late in the evening after I go home, and early morning before I get to work. Without being able to see who does, I am resigned to cleaning up the stinky mess and hoping it doesn't happen again.
I am revolted by this action. I cannot stand it. It pisses me off to no end and it probably raises my blood pressure. I'm not sure what pisses me off more: the actual urinating on the wall, or the fact that I cannot determine the perpetrators. It is absolutely frustrating. What I would like to do is to catch these fuckers in action and shame them into the pieces of shit they really are. Sometimes I have found that it has happened during the day when the office is open. WE HAVE A FUCKING BATHROOM FOR THE FUCKING PUBLIC.
It's an offense for which I would like to shoot people in the head. I want it to stop. I want to find the urinators. I want to chop off their penises a la Mrs. Bobbitt and dump a shitload (do not pardon the pun) of piss on their fucking houses, in their houses, and on their clothes.
It's time for these fuckers and pissers and douchebags to get some fucking manners and realize that private property and your desire to evacuate your bladder do not go hand-in-hand. I don't think it's too much to ask someone who most likely has a home with at least one toilet and has been using a toilet since they were about 2-3 years old. Perhaps I should start selling adult diapers in the office for these fuckheads who feel so strongly about peeing in public.
/end rant