Thursday, July 23, 2009

Birthers Should Be Aborted (VIDEOS)

This video is of G. Gordon Liddy acting like an imbecile trying to defend the "birther movement" on Hardball.

I too am flabbergasted as to the "birther movement" on Barack Obama's citizenship. Obviously these crazy folks don't understand parsimony. Usually the simplest answer is the truth. So the entire conspiracy cannot be true (as with most conspiracies), because it is too complicated and it tries to refute the most basic of facts.

I've tried to restrain myself writing on this topic, as I do not believe it should even be talked about. However, watching this clip, the crazy lady from the Mike Castle town hall (video below), and that other crazy woman from last fall (at McCain's rally), I've had it with this stupid speech.

I've had it to fucking here with these racist idiots. I cannot believe for one minute these people hold at least a high school diploma. Liddy says his STEP grandmother was present at his birth. This is absolutely fascinating. Does anyone know what step means? It means mommy and daddy got divorced and mommy or daddy got remarried some time in the future. Obama's parents were happily together (at least happy enough to have a child and present his birth to the world in a classified ad). There was no STEP mother or father that would have been present at his birth because they weren't with the father or the mother. I would assume that would be abundantly clear, that STEP relatives come later. I'll use myself for example: My STEP father didn't come into my life until I was 9 years old, 9 years after my birth. I met my STEP grandmother 1 or 2 years later. My mom did not know my STEP father at the time of my birth, let alone my STEP grandmother. She would not have been present at my birth.

My second beef is that of crazy lady above and the crowd as a whole. I understand they are mostly Republicans due to Mike Castle; however, none of them should have given credence to this woman. First of all, she holds up a plastic bag with documents in it claiming she is a citizen of the United States because she was born, I guess in Delaware. Fair enough. However, I did some light research and I discovered, as did Chris Matthews, that "Certificate of Live Birth" and "Birth Certificate" are usually interchangeable on what are called "short forms" and can be used to get a driver's license, a passport, and oh yeah, give main evidence for CITIZENSHIP. Liddy continued this yarn when he kept the issue on semantics with Matthews. I believe it is because it says "Live" on it. Otherwise it would say "Certificate of Birth" which, in English, means the same thing as "Birth Certificate" with the use of a preposition. Funny that, English being able to transpose words. It wouldn't very well say "Certificate of Dead Birth", because 1) you wouldn't need one because you're dead and 2) that would be a waste of paper. So, in all fairness, this woman's birth certificate is the same as Obama's, with hers being a long form with doctor's signatures and administrators signatures and the like. I can tell you, my birth certificate is a copy of a copy (from 1986, a Xerox of a Xerox) placed onto super cool embossed LA County paper that is multicolored with a stamp on it by the LA County Registrar. It's not an original by an means. I think I have 3 copies of it. Does this mean my birth can be in question? No, because it is on super cool embossed paper that is multicolored, everyone knows it is real, even though it is not an original. I don't even think the LA County Registrar has the original anymore. Which means my entire life will be summed up in one copy of a copy. Luckily it has my mom's signature on it. Whew, dodged that bullet.

She exclaims she wants her country back. I'm not sure what she means, because she never had it. Unless she owned the United States, it was never hers. It is all of ours. And hey, we have this fucking awesome system that has been in place without major change for over 200 years. It's called our election process. Guess what lady, you had your president for 8 years, putting us in this mess, now it's your turn to sit down and shut up. Our lovely electoral process got a new person with a new agenda, and I am truly sorry your life has a close-minded void in it, but that's not my fault nor my problem. I have no idea where WWII got into the picture, seeing as how Obama's uncle or someone also fought in WWII. Greatest generation or not, they have no business in your argument. Waving around an American flag doesn't help you either.

I've got a problem with anyone who does not maintain a certain level of acting intelligence and decency. By acting intelligence, I mean a level at which one can go through a day aware of one's impact on others around them and a clear understanding of how the world works. You don't have to be smart to have a decent acting intelligence, you just have to be able to understand. I do not believe it is hard for anyone who stops and thinks for a moment before acting. I do not believe it is hard for anyone with integrity and respect for others. I am appalled at this woman's blathering, because she would do everyone a favor by keeping her trap shut. To the Republicans who are cosponsoring a bill to require birth certificate presentation during an election cycle, I feel sorry for you and your constituents that you are wasting everyone's time with this feat of bigotry that has come out of this birther movement, not to mention the 43 presidents that did not have to endure such filth (they were all white).

I'll tell you what, if he needed that Certificate of Live Birth to get a driver's license, to get his passport, and to get into college, then that would be good enough for me to establish citizenship. I have a US passport and driver's license that I had to furnish my birth certificate. When I am 35, I could become president (bad thought, I know). Other than skin color, what would be the difference between Barack Obama and I? Nothing, really.

Again I say to all of you birthers, sit down and shut up. I am afraid I will have to punch anyone I come across spouting this shit, this filth, this stupid speech.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

A Strong Case for Palin's "Quitter" Status

So Rachel Maddow basically says in the most eloquent terms what I feel about Sarah Palin's desire to resign/quit. This vid is from Monday:

And today, Palin got slammed with her 18th ethics complaint! Regardless what she says, what Levi says, or even John McCain, the circumstances surrounding her resignation give way more light.

Plain and simple, Palin is too dim to handle a politician's life that went from a small town, to a small state, then a huge leap to the national stage. Pride is the worst of all the seven deadly sins (speaking on her "Christian" level), and she has way too much hubris.

Rachel's last summation was right on point, saying that she has the "inability to judge the difference between what bugs her as a person and what's an appropriate use of an elected official's time and the public's resources."

Let's hope she doesn't run again, because I don't know if my brilliance can stand being sucked out of me when all the news channels keep airing her speeches. I know I harp on her a lot, but her being the focus of my first blog post, you gotta wonder how I feel about her.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Bonnie Fuller: Doesn't Make Any Sense

Read this blog, and then read my response:

Bonnie Fuller: Don't Count Saint Sarah Palin Out for President in 2012!

Ok, for one thing, stop calling her Saint Palin. She is far from a saint. Saints show compassion, show restraint, and ultimately following the teachings of Christ. She will NEVER be a saint, and thank Christ for that.

Now to Bonnie's argument that she so mavericky that she could upset a Republican primary in other states other than the south (much like Mike Huckabee did, right?), and if she wins the primary she could upset Obama on his reelection bid. Because she doesn't like politics as usual? Poppycock! Because she'll beat Obama's grassroots organization efforts? Bullpucky! Because she so super-fantastic and relatable to the average hockey (?) mom that everyone will vote for her in 2012? No dice!

Let's be frank: she has served as mayor of Wasilla, AK, which has a population less than the area around my house here in Valley Village, CA, and one half of a first-term governorship in one of least populated and least impactful states in the Union. Other then these two government jobs, she's sought out completely different jobs that don't aid her quest for the presidency. Who cares of it is executive experience, it's shit experience. And the whole time she's been governor, she's been hassled by people who think she's breaking the rules. That's not effective.

This is what I see by her resignation for a "higher calling". She was so mad that the press can get away with saying what they want about her because she is a public figure and she has to keep refuting it, even when she makes an ass out of herself (standing in front of turkey-murdering machine). She has to realize that she has become more irrelevant in actual policy making that she cannot be an effective executive. She's more of a gaffe machine than Joe Biden, and that's saying a lot.

She WILL NOT beat Obama in a face off in 2012. It will shocking if she wins enough primaries to win the nomination, but she cannot defeat the juggernaut that is Obama. It would be funny to see her choose McCain as her VP though! I personally think getting out of politics is better for the Republican party, because if she stays in as a consultant or tries to run for national office in some form or another, she is condemning the Republican Party to become as the Whigs had become in the 1850s--unnecessary. She will polarize the base from the rest of the party, the evangelical Christians and uber-conservatives opposite the fiscal conservatives and social centrists who identify Republican. She cannot win with that crowd. She cannot bring religion to government. She cannot even put a phrase together without putting 'also' and 'too' next to each other (in Spanish, it's like saying 'tambien tambien', dumb, I know).

I guess we'll see where this ride takes us, but please for the love all that is good and decent in the world, don't say she's going to overtake the presidency in 2012. It's more than wishful thinking, it's shit you say when you're fucking high on drugs.

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Tuesday, July 7, 2009

MJ Memorial = Why the Insanity?

I really really really hope that after today we can stop all of this insanity that is Michael Jackson coverage.

I spent most of the day bemoaning the coverage of the memorial by every media outlet there is and arguing with my coworker on the frivolity and insanity of said coverage.

Ok, he was a great musician and one of a kind. He died in a shocker to a lot of people. I enjoy his music. I know he is a music icon/legend. However, there are many that have been just like him all throughout history and none were given the same treatment. His death was not shocking to me at all. He was frail, troubled, and most likely an addict. Look at Heath ledger, an addict. How did he die? In an overdose. MJ didn't die in an OD, but pretty close to it for someone his age. Say whatever you wish about his two stints in court over child molestation, but you cannot argue that he was a troubled soul and a troubled mind. It is impossible to get around that. He had lupus and a slew of other diseases that were changing him, and so he decided to counteract it by changing himself. He was no longer a black man at 50. His face was very different since "Billie Jean". I get all of this. He was an enigma; curiosity always followed him, considering all of his weird public escapades, his marriage to Lisa Marie Prestley, Debbie Rowe, having kids with Rowe that aren't his own biological offspring, baby-hanging over balconies, and many many more crazy shite.

However, what I do not get is the coverage that is befallen him and his family. Specials on every news channel, and wall to wall coverage today. LA City taxpayers paying the bill to many LAPD officers who really didn't need to be working today to prevent crazy fans from getting to close the Staples Center. California is broke and the city is in uber-debt. Who thought that this would be a good idea? The people who made money today exploited MJ's death, not celebrate it. Who made money today? The people who were putting together MJ's final tour (who own Staples Center, btw), advertisers on the many stations that ran the coverage, and the cable companies selling ad space. Complete exploitation of a person who probably didn't deserve it and of a family that is still in mourning. I watched a few minutes of memorial, and was flabbergasted. For little Paris to be in front a huge crowd dealing with the death of her father is probably not the best way for a child to be dealing with almost insurmountable grief and sadness. I am ashamed of the Jackson family to agreeing to such a spectacle. I am ashamed at the media for giving such credence to things that are so very insignificant to the broader picture. And I don't want to hear that it is a welcome break from all the bad stuff that is going on, because the death of someone in Western culture is never good, so how is that good news to be watching a dead person's memorial. I know I probably sound really really callous, but the whole thing sounds ridiculous when real events that impact the world citizen's life are going but no covered.

The whole frenzy over the memorial also makes me concerned. I have no better term for the entire thing than insanity. Like we are all part of some Branch Davidian sermon, brainwashed and raptured by some figurehead that may or may not be grand in the scheme of the universe. Most of it is too crazy for words, and I pronounce all and sundry on the bandwagon to be legally and clinically insane.

I hope it is mainly over. No replays, no new specials. If hard news is gained from his death, then yes, I will listen to the reporting from any news organization, but there is definitely no need to floss a dead horse. Let the man rest in peace like he deserves.

My thoughts are all over the place on this subject. If you want clarification, I'll try my best. I'm sure there will be some who disagree, and to them I say thank you.