Read this blog, and then read my response:
Ok, for one thing, stop calling her Saint Palin. She is far from a saint. Saints show compassion, show restraint, and ultimately following the teachings of Christ. She will NEVER be a saint, and thank Christ for that.
Now to Bonnie's argument that she so mavericky that she could upset a Republican primary in other states other than the south (much like Mike Huckabee did, right?), and if she wins the primary she could upset Obama on his reelection bid. Because she doesn't like politics as usual? Poppycock! Because she'll beat Obama's grassroots organization efforts? Bullpucky! Because she so super-fantastic and relatable to the average hockey (?) mom that everyone will vote for her in 2012? No dice!
Let's be frank: she has served as mayor of Wasilla, AK, which has a population less than the area around my house here in Valley Village, CA, and one half of a first-term governorship in one of least populated and least impactful states in the Union. Other then these two government jobs, she's sought out completely different jobs that don't aid her quest for the presidency. Who cares of it is executive experience, it's shit experience. And the whole time she's been governor, she's been hassled by people who think she's breaking the rules. That's not effective.
This is what I see by her resignation for a "higher calling". She was so mad that the press can get away with saying what they want about her because she is a public figure and she has to keep refuting it, even when she makes an ass out of herself (standing in front of turkey-murdering machine). She has to realize that she has become more irrelevant in actual policy making that she cannot be an effective executive. She's more of a gaffe machine than Joe Biden, and that's saying a lot.
She WILL NOT beat Obama in a face off in 2012. It will shocking if she wins enough primaries to win the nomination, but she cannot defeat the juggernaut that is Obama. It would be funny to see her choose McCain as her VP though! I personally think getting out of politics is better for the Republican party, because if she stays in as a consultant or tries to run for national office in some form or another, she is condemning the Republican Party to become as the Whigs had become in the 1850s--unnecessary. She will polarize the base from the rest of the party, the evangelical Christians and uber-conservatives opposite the fiscal conservatives and social centrists who identify Republican. She cannot win with that crowd. She cannot bring religion to government. She cannot even put a phrase together without putting 'also' and 'too' next to each other (in Spanish, it's like saying 'tambien tambien', dumb, I know).
I guess we'll see where this ride takes us, but please for the love all that is good and decent in the world, don't say she's going to overtake the presidency in 2012. It's more than wishful thinking, it's shit you say when you're fucking high on drugs.
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