Thursday, March 19, 2009

The Obama... Deception?

I stumbled across this lovely video on YouTube just now. It's a promo for this guy Alex Jones' conspiracy documentary on Obama lying to us about everything and that bankers control the world. YouTube does have the hour-45 minute documentary, but I won't bore you with that, so here's the 5-minute preview:

Aside from the fact that he's high on cocaine, watch the parallels that are drawn together in the images. It is very powerful stuff to human perception to match crazy music, with random images of those you are discussing, and with speech not directly tied to those images. It sets up straw man tactics, red herrings, ad hominem attacks. There are countless in the five minutes this guy is blabbing. He juxtaposes the "All-Seeing Eye" with the White House, he uses emotionally charged words such as "Ponzi scheme" that all the bankers are using to gain massive wealth, and he gives no evidence for his statement that the government plans to use military force on the American public. For one thing, the military IS the American public, and the government IS the people. No way any of us would let it happen. Those are just a few of what I caught when I watched through it once. There is definitely more. Oh, and he repeats himself. For what reason, I'm not sure, but what I can be sure of--it's dumb.

Can we put a lid on stupid speech? I'm all for free speech, as long as it isn't a waste of oxygen, and is coherent and lucid. But all of these crazy conspiracy theorists out there ruin free speech for the rest of us. They make it stupid speech, and I can't stand stupid speech. Just stop moving your mouth, Mr. Jones, and we'll all be better off.

God, I can't believe I share a name with this guy. The horror!


Anonymous said...

This is right up there with Ben Stein & Michael Moore...

I am very surprised that I have not read more about this one.

Nati said...

I think he's on to something.

"Stupid speech" is an awesome expression.

Alex said...

I'm going to research it more, and if I get adventurous, I may even watch the entire movie on YouTube. Possibly today, since I think I may be bored.

I should trademark "Stupid speech".